
Suddenly Social

I grew up on the far end of town. Despite many peoples claims to the contrary, yes, it DOES take 40 minutes to walk to the beach, OK? At least it's a 40 minute walk and not a 40 minute drive (speaking of, I've never lived away from water... but more on that later).

Nobody wants to walk that far. Also, most of my friends don't drive, so it was always a pain for any of us to get together during the winter because it gets cold and damp and generally unpleasant to be outside in the winter (that's what I get for living next to the lake!) and who wants to walk 40 minutes in that?

So as soon as I pick myself up and move myself downtown, greatly increasing my living space because I no longer am confined to my room, suddenly everyone wants to come visit. I'm surprised at how many friends I actually have (last facebook count was around 199, but that is including the people I only keep on there because they have great style or cool tattoos). If I were to have an ACTUAL friend count of the people I talk to regularly/go visit/have visit me, it would probably be closer to 20. 20 people I would consider to be friends.

But this is not a rant about my lack of social life. This is about the week long housewarming party that I seem to be having.


Mind you the less-blurry figure on the couch is The Dude, who has been my faithful companion since Christmas '08.
REGARDLESS, AI (who is standing) has been flaking off my attempts to hang out since October. This is the second night I spent at the house, and suddenly I am cool to hang out with.

Why didn't I think of this in high school? First you get das Haus, then you get die Freunde.

Also: Sunday, The Dude was gone to the grocery store so he could make me a kickin' rad Valentine's Dinner, and I was lazing about watching Futurama when Most Stylish Friend called me. I call her this because she is, obviously, Most Stylish, not only of all my friend but in my opinion of everyone I have ever met/seen pictures of. I only wish I thought to get a picture of her failing at Beatles Rock Band because it was not only a) hilarious but also, b) Most Stylish. Love it!

Monday was sombre, as it was Family Day and nothing was goddamn open. I lounged around in my pajamas and did homework which The Dude played Fallout 3. Perfection.

Tuesday was my first wholly alone night! Actually not true I went to my parents and my dad cooked me a steak and we watched Womens Snowboard Cross, where Maelle Ricker won gold. Good for her. I did however get to chat with Soul Mate, which I don't get to do much since she picked up and moved back to Toronto, the big jerk.

Yesterday was vurrrryyy busy indeed, not just with my work computer DYING and resulting in me using the student computer which is OLD and SLOW as SHIT, but with talking to buds and making plans. Little KT and I planned Wednesday is Spaghetti Dinner. Not-Sheila and I planned Thursday night get-together (BTW I need to do dishes before anybody else comes to my house) and I might FINALLY be seeing Jeff (no nickname) because he's been in MANITOBA since JANUARY doing TRAINING and WHY the CAPS? I don't know.

Saturday is The Dude's 22 birthday, which is taking place at my house. I'm getting K&K down from Toronto Friday, which makes me happy, because they are my favourites and I haven't seen them since New Years when I barfed all over Chester subway station. We'll see how this event turns out, and pictures will follow!


And now, because I am so self-obsessed, here are some more pictures of das Haus.
The oreos were for the dessert I was making... until I realized that I didn't have a measuring cup and had to get The Dude to drive me ALL THE WAY TO SUPERSTORE to pick one up. And a baking sheet. Fuck, this is expensive.

Please find the lovely Dana Scully!

I love these! I have them on all of the cupboards above the sink.

And a bonus shot of delicious, delicious Valentine's dinner.

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