
Need some rest!

It's been a long week already, and it's only Wednesday.

The good news is that I got my busted work computer replaced, and the new keyboard is a dreeeaaaam to type on. :) The bad news is, well, I'm at work. At least I have CBC to keep me company.

Also, it's snowing those big white fluffy snowflakes that are AWESOME.

So Saturday was fun. I don't remember most of it. I got kind of trashed kind of early, and spent most of the night sitting on the floor, babbling incoherently. At least I got to see Soul Mate, and K&K.

Some drama, but that's a given. The Dude's friends caused it, mostly. Get out of the f'in corner and go socialize holy shit.

I had to clean up by myself but was rewarded with lots of leftover beer. Locked myself out on Monday (another victory for das Haus), and slept in today, but otherwise life has been rather uneventful. I'm currently pretending to work while I study FASHION!


  1. When I was a kid, we were aware that any sports/school trips/extra curricular activities were a privilege, not a right, and if you fucked up they could easily be taken away as punishment. I've been following the retarded kids on all of these GTA hockey teams as they beat each other up on the ice and in the locker room, and I can't believe how many people still think that these kids deserve to play hockey. No wonder why society is going down the drain.
  2. Andy Barrie is leaving Metro Morning after 15 years of helping Canada wake up. As long as Linden MacIntyre is still on The Current I think my love of CBC Radio will live on. Best of luck to Mr. Barrie in the future!
  3. In lighter news JOE FRESH SPRING/SUMMER 2010 HOLY CRAAAAP. I realize that these pictures were put up aaaages ago, but the Joe website is getting an overhaul to promote the new line TOMORROW and I thought I'd just make mention of it here.
What I love:

Pink pants!
Gingham mini dress! Also, the fishnet knee-highs.
Flower shirts! I love love love texture.
This jacket- I really hope it is a part of the in-store line and not just runway.

What I hate:

Man leg.


I realize that this is just the runway collection and the store collection may be completely different, but seriously. That is a lot of man leg. And for a brand that normally embraces a traditional idea of manly (plaid shirt, work jeans, nothing too too fancy) I found it a little off-putting.
The rest of the collection is nice but not really worth mentioning.

All in all: Good jaerb, and you'll be receiving lots of my money the next time I get to Superstore.

I am Sancho.

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